Client doesn't detect input in background mode

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Re: Client doesn't detect input in background mode

Post by Kekskruemel »

Ah ok. Thx for the info.

Going to test it tomorrow for feedback.

Thx for your hard work.
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Re: Client doesn't detect input in background mode

Post by zulu99 »

This functionality should work from api level 17 (android 4.2.2) infact it work but i found a bug inside google api that was solved in android 4.3 api level 18

Infact in apilevel 17 (android 4.2.2) the onGenericMotionEvent inside the InputMethodService when you move the sticks get only max values -1 and 1 and not intermedie values. I think that This is a bug, because in the api level 18 (android 4.3) all work well with the same code and i can get in the code also the intermediate values.

This fact cause a jerky movements in the remote device when you move the sticks but in android 4.3 all work well. you have this problem only on sticks and not on buttons when you use the new IME service and you want run droidmote client in background.

Is intended that this bug on android 4.2.2 is present only when you want use the droidmoteIME to have droidmote client in background. For utilization in foreground there isn't problems. like in all other functionality.
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